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Jungle Dragonkin Versatile Heritage (with links to Archives of Nethys for Feats)

Writer's picture: Jake The Creator ApeJake The Creator Ape

This is a Versatile Heritage made by me, but I've borrowed the Ancestry Structure from several of Paizo's writers in the Dragonkin Ancestry that they have created and published on Pathfinder Infinite. Further, all of the Feats for this Versatile Heritage have links to their sources on Archives of Nethys. As this type of creature has roots in draconic physiology, powers of poison and dragonbreath, and even a deep connection with the plantlife of their home jungles, their feats and abilities all have these themes, but they are plucked from other Ancestries or Heritages to make a new Versatile Heritage. The feats only go to level 9 because that is all that was needed at the time. If you want to have more created, just let me know. :)

A Jungle Riding Drake

Jungle Dragonkin Versatile Heritage

Jungle dragonkin trace their lineage back to mighty dragons, usually a green dragon. Less commonly, they could be descended from a forest dragon or jungle dragon. This draconic connection allows a jungle dragonkin to tap into the great power and potential of dragons, for good or for ill.

Jungle dragonkin, more so than individuals that draw upon a draconic influence such as barbarians and sorcerers, are the scions of dragons. They are direct descendants of dragons, some only a few generations removed, and this connection allows a jungle dragonkin to draw on some of the might of their dragon forbearers.

A jungle dragonkin can come about it in a number of ways. The most common way is for a green dragon or jungle dragon to have a child with a living creature. Many dragons are capable of transformation and changing their shape and it’s during these transformations that meetings with other ancestries can lead to the birth of a jungle dragonkin. While such pairings shouldn’t produce offspring of any kind, many scholars believe that the innately magical nature of dragons allows for a partial compatibility.

If a jungle dragonkin has a child with another member of their same ancestry, it always results in another dragonkin. Though dragonkin offspring are never entirely a surprise in such pairings, a jungle dragonkin child seems to result less often than a typical child of the ancestry. In cases where two jungle dragonkin join to have a child, a jungle dragonkin is practically guaranteed.

Finally, in extremely exceptional cases, a deity could grant a specific individual the form of a jungle dragonkin. This is usually the case for champions and clerics of draconic deities, but any servant of a deity might receive this gift. Legends speak of ancient heroes who received the touch of the dragon as a gift to aid in fights against evil.

If you want a character that has direct ties to dragons and feels rooted in nature, choose a jungle dragon.

You Might…

• Find it hard to relate to others, requiring you to keep a close-knit group of friends.

• Feel a strong connection to magic, even if you’re not capable of mastering magic yourself.

• Struggle with the compulsions that come from your draconic influence.

Others Probably…

• Believe you hoard wealth and curios.

• Fear your appearance or your abilities.

• Assume you have a poisonous bite or acidic breath.

Physical Description

Dragonkin resemble their base ancestry, growing to the typical heights common among the ancestry. Most jungle dragonkin are naturally flexible and dexterous, leading to many slim builds among them. Regardless of a jungle dragonkin’s base ancestry, they always sport some kind of draconic features such as claws, fangs, patches of scales, horns, a tail, or peculiar eye shapes and colors. A jungle dragonkin can take efforts to hide such features, but some have such a large number of draconic features or such dramatic features, such as an extra long neck, that hiding them is difficult. In some cases, a dragonkin has a full, draconic appearance, appearing like bipedal reptiles with an array of other draconic features. Such dragonkin resemble lizardfolk to outsiders, leading to some confusion upon first impressions.


Reactions to dragonkin run the gamut of emotions. Many look upon dragonkin with awe, amazed by the potential that runs through the person’s veins. Others instead fear dragonkin, worried that the draconic influence could lead to violent outbursts or magical manifestations. Scholars and spell casters sometimes look at dragonkin as things to be studied, draconic power made manifest, but also safer. In many cases, dragonkin can expect the same treatment that locals would give to an actual dragon.

Most jungle dragonkin live in their own tight-knit communities that include their non-draconic kin. Often these groups are watched over by their draconic progenitors or those descended from them, such as half-dragons. Jungle dragonkin innately have a connection to plant life and the jungle around them. This is why they rarely wander far from their namesake homeland. Because of their serpent-like features such as fangs and cobra hoods, non-draconic people tend to think of them as nagaji or some strange snake-like monsters.

Alignment and Religion

While dragonkin typically match the alignment trends of their base ancestry, a fair amount of dragonkin feel a draconic compulsion that results from their progenitors. This compulsion seems to draw jungle dragonkin toward a Lawful alignment. There are also thought patterns and reactions that tend to follow the bloodline of jungle dragons. These tend to revolve around knowledge and self improvement. The most intense draw is curiosity, collecting, and enriching themselves. Jungle dragons gravitate toward professions that include these tendencies, such as keepers of lost lore, ritualists and monks.

Dragonkin tend to follow the faiths of their base ancestry. Some dragonkin look to other gods to supplement their core beliefs, however, and it’s not uncommon for a dragonkin to utter prayers to draconic or elementally-focused deities in addition to those of their primary faith. The power of a dragon brings about feelings of independence or self-assuredness in many dragonkin, leading to a large number of atheist or areligious dragonkin.

Dragonkin (Rare Versatile Heritage)

The blood of mighty dragons flows through veins, granting you a small portion of their ferocity and power. Your draconic lineage stems from a green dragon of the jungle. You gain the dragon and dragonkin traits, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You can choose from dragonkin feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Additionally, you gain access to the Dragon Disciple Dedication feat.

You gain a special attack from your Draconic Heritage. Choose one.


Your mouth contains either rows of hooked, needle-sharp teeth or a pair of vicious serpent fangs. You gain a fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your fangs are in the brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.


Your sharp claws offer an alternative to the fists other humanoids bring to a fight. You have a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage and has the agile, finesse and unarmed traits.

Ancestry Feats

Level 1

Dragon's Breath [two-actions]

Arcane, Dragon, Evocation

You can unleash a powerful blast of energy as a draconic breath weapon. Choose either a 30-foot line or a 15-foot cone. Your breath weapon manifests in the chosen shape and once chosen, you can't change the breath's shape. Your breath weapon deals 1d4 damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic saving throw against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. You can’t use this ability again for 1d4 rounds.

At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d4. The type of damage is either poison or acid. Each time you use this ability, you choose which type of damage it deals. Your breath weapon requires a Reflex saving throw if it deals acid damage, and if it deals poison damage, it requires a Fortitude saving throw instead.

Jungle Strider

You are adept at dodging roots, foliage, and other jungle obstacles. You ignore difficult terrain in forests and jungles. In addition, when you use the Acrobatics skill to Balance on narrow surfaces or uneven ground made of plant material, you aren't flat-footed, and when you roll a success at one of these Acrobatics checks, you get a critical success instead.

Razor Claws

Prerequisite Claws

Your have honed your claws to be deadly. Your claw attack deals 1d6 slashing damage instead of 1d4 and gains the versatile (piercing) trait.

Sharp Fangs

Prerequisite Fangs

Your teeth are formidable weapons. You gain a fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage.

Serpent's Tongue

You subconsciously flick your tongue through the air to taste the world around you. You gain imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet.

Water Dragon

You've formed a connection to a sacred or pristine body of water, either as a home or a place to protect. You gain the Breath Control general feat as a bonus feat and a swim Speed of 10 feet.

Derived from Water Nagaji

Dragon Lore

You hoard knowledge like a dragon hoards gold. You gain the trained proficiency rank in three Lore skills of your choice. You also become trained in Dragon Lore.

Derived from Shisk Lore


You are accustomed to exploring thick jungle and defending yourself against the attacks of magical plants. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against plant, poison, and wood effects, and if you roll a success on a save against a poison effect, you get a critical success instead.

Derived from Grove-Harbored

Jungle Soul


Your connection to elemental wood manifests as fresh blossoms, spring fruits, and the seeds of new life, and you harness this power to spread vitality and abundance. You can cast the tangle vine cantrip as an innate primal or arcane spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up.

Derived from Spring Soul

Level 5

Envenom Fangs

Frequency a number of times per day equal to your level

Prerequisites Sharp Fangs

You envenom your fangs. If the next fangs Strike you make before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, the Strike deals an additional 1d6 poison damage. On a critical failure, the poison is wasted as normal.

Gecko's Grip

You stick to walls with a preternatural grip. You gain a climb Speed of 15 feet.

Venom Spit

You've learned the art of lobbing toxic spittle at vulnerable spots on your foes, especially the eyes. You gain a venomous spit ranged unarmed attack with a range increment of 10 feet that deals 1d4 poison damage. On a critical hit, the target takes persistent poison damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice. Your spit doesn't have a weapon group, nor a critical specialization effect.

Read the Roots [two-actions]

Dragon Primal Scrying Wood

Requirements You are standing on the ground, and there are plants rooted in the ground within 100 feet of you.

The root systems of trees are a far-reaching network of information, and you know how to access them and extract their secrets. You Seek within 30 feet using tremorsense, an imprecise sense, instead of one of your own senses. You can also detect subjects touching or burrowing through the surface you are standing on in this way.

Skillful Tail

You've always had a tail, but with practice, you've learned to use it for more than signaling your mood. You can perform simple Interact actions with your tail such as opening an unlocked door. Your tail can't perform actions that require fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any action that would require a check to accomplish, and you can't use it to hold items.


Prerequisites You speak Muan.

Your connection to elemental wood allows you to communicate with trees in the Universe in Muan, the language of wood elementals. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with woody plants like trees and shrubs.

Level 9

Absorb Toxin


Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a disease or poison effect that affects an area.

Your skin readily absorbs poison and can consciously draw toxins into your body to spare others. Attempt a counteract check against the triggering effect; your counteract level equals half your level (rounded up), and for the roll use either your class DC –10 or your spellcasting ability modifier plus your spellcasting proficiency bonus. If you counteract the triggering effect, you end the effect for all other creatures in the area; however, you must still save against the effect with a –2 penalty to the initial save.


Your inborn arcane power manifests as your exemplar's most time-honored spells. Choose one 1st-level spell and one 2nd-level spell from the following list. You can cast each of these spells once per day as arcane innate spells. You gain the trained proficiency rank in arcane spell attack rolls and spell DCs, and your key spellcasting ability is Charisma.

1st; illusory object, true strike, ventriloquism

2nd; humanoid form, mirror image, see invisibility

Jungle Magic

Over time your people have become one with the natural magic of the jungle. You can cast barkskin and tree shape as 2nd-level arcane innate spells once per day each.

Viper Strike


Frequency once per minute

You move and attack with a swiftness that most can't follow. You Stride and then Strike. Your movement doesn't trigger reactions based on movement.

I hope you like what you see here and I encourage you to look at our other articles for character builds and backstories, and handmade dice!

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